What's close to your stove that can burn?
We use stoves in our boats to provide heat by both heating the air and circulating that around the cabin(s) and by just sitting by the stove and enjoying the heat radiating from it.
The heat, in the wrong circumstances, can cause problems.
Remembering to keep seats, tables and other furniture away will help prevent fire, but it's not the whole story.
Other homely objects such as soft furnishings, books, waste paper baskets, dog's beds and log stacks also need to be kept away from the stove.
Don't hang pictures, blinds, swags and even paraffin lamps directly above a stove
But there is another risk to think about…
Beware the creeping, hidden threat (with a Greek based name)
It may look like the results of a boat fire, but the fire hasn't yet started…
It's called 'pyrolysis' (fire - break down) a slow chemical action caused by heat.
The wood dries out, and breaks down into a kind of charcoal and this in turn can catch fire.
Pyrolysis doesn't need a direct flame to ignite; and it doesn't even need extreme heat to affect any wood including the battens behind the tiles.
Fire can start when enough air reaches the wood suffering from pyrolisis.