Electrical Course Overview

Course title:

BSS Examiner Electrical Knowledge and Understanding Training and Assessment

Course providers partnership:

The course is provided by the BSS in conjunction with the British Marine Federation and Waterside Training Limited.

Course aims and objectives:

In the context of BSS examinations, the increasing complexity of boat electrical systems, and to help examiners keep themselves safe, on completion of the course programme examiners will:

  1. be able to identify, the range of electrical components likely to be encountered and apply the electrical BSS Examination Checking Procedures in a consistent way; and,
  2. be able to identify, key electrical dangers including those associated with marine AC electrics, in order to stay safe.

What sort of approach will be taken?

The course is highly participative and your tutor will use a range of methods including computer slide presentation, video material, discussions, and practical demonstrations.

We encourage you to actively participate in the discussions and share experiences; so if you think it will help, please feel free to bring to the course examples of a real life situations and maybe 'black museum' items or photos.

A ring-binder containing the visual aids and useful references will be provided during the introduction. There is plenty of space in this course book to record any notes you may wish to make.

Do I have to read anything?

There is no required pre-reading.  The emphasis of the course is on providing an adequate level of understanding in support of the course aims. Anyone wishing to do some pre-reading can re-read the Part 3 Examination Checking Procedures and/or research basic electrical principles, AC/DC theory and basic electrical installation practice.

Course certificates:

Examiners who have attended the two-day training will receive a certificate outlining the course date, course title, venue, and confirming the content.

Examiners who pass the assessment will receive a certificate including the date, venue, course title and confirming the pass.

Certificates will be sent out within 5 working days of the assessment.

What if the assessment is not passed?

Passing the assessment before the end of March 2010 is a condition of BSS Examiner re-registration and the ability to carry out examinations next year. 

Anyone still needing to pass an assessment will have their circumstances viewed on an individual basis.

However, it will most probably mean that those few yet to pass by the end of March will have to be booked on to one additional course in April 2010. We appreciate that this is after the re-registration deadline.

This is probably going to be at Hatton because of its central location, unless it is clearly advantageous to a majority of those needing it, to be at another site.  Attendance will be at your own expense.

What the course isn't!

While the course will better equip examiners to examine electrical systems in accordance with the BSS ECPs, it is not designed to offer competency in regards to installation and testing of electrical circuits or electrical equipment.

In addition, the course does not feature boat electronic equipment at all.

Those examiners keen to extend their range of competencies along those lines should take the opportunity to discuss their needs with the BMF training department.