Electrical Knowledge and Understanding Course 2015

This is the information about the BSS Examiner Electrical Knowledge and Understanding training course and assessments in 2015. It includes the course overview, the programme details, some Q & A’s

The course is made up of three elements:

E-learning – will cover basic electrical theory, health & safety and relevant legislation plus the primary electrical hazards on boats and an introduction to the new Safe Isolation Procedure.

It will involve an assessment and the course must be undertaken and the assessment passed before attending the training event. The link to the E-learning course is to be provided from Friday 16 October.  

Regional Training and Assessment Events - The one‐day training event will build on the E‐learning course and will include training on the Safe Isolation Procedure in the morning and in the afternoon a practical and rig‐based assessment will take place to validate examiners’ understanding of the Safe Isolation Procedure.

Afternoon Seminar – whilst you are waiting for your assessment slot the BSS Manager will hold a seminar event aimed at imparting important information about planned changes to the role of BSS examiners as well as one or two technical or IT matters.

information_90x90 Course overview - this sets out the course aims and objectives, learning methods, pre-reading material, the certificates, unsuccessful assessments and the limitations of the course.


information_90x90 Programme details - The details of the programme are fleshed out here including course content and more information on the assessment.
information_90x90 FAQs - your questions answered

Check out the day course venues and dates here read_action_90x90


Or, go straight to the booking list Book - Mouse_90x90