Advice Concerning Health & Safety Responsibilities Of BSS Examiners

There is a health and safety expectation on BSS examiners as one of the Conditions of Registration. Clause 5, which covers these responsibilities, is repeated here:

Examiners are:

5.1.1 Responsible for their own personal health and safety;

5.1.2 Responsible for the health and safety of any persons working with them;

5.1.3 Responsible for the control of any health and safety risks arising from their work activities when conducting BSS Examinations.

In respect of Clause 5 and in the wider context of health and safety legislation, all examiners, whether employees of a boatyard or marina company or self-employed, have responsibilities for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their work. 

This section contains published advice concerning health & safety responsibilities and examiners are encouraged to take account of it in determining their own approach; but examiners should not consider that this advice offers complete coverage of the subject.

In the wider context of those responsibilities, any worker is expected to observe relevant health and safety guidance, review their work by risk assessment, and produce a 'Health and Safety Management Statement' to cover their work.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in its booklet 'An Introduction to Health and Safety', sets out what is required in regard to meet health and safety responsibilities and where to get more information. It provides guidance on risk assessment and health and safety statements.

HSE Introduction to Health and Safety


HSE Five Steps to Risk Assessment


The British Marine  (BM) has kindly allowed you personal use of its Health and Safety guidance material. Relevant BM Topic Guidance, which will help steer you towards meeting your responsibilities in typical areas of work are available using the following links. Each topic guide includes a reference to further information, mostly HSE documents.

For a complete list of available BM General and Specific Topic Guidance following this link and should you be interested to receive any other documents on the list contact the BSS Office

Please respect the restricted nature of the BM material; it must not be lent to, or reproduced for, third parties.

The BMF Member Guidance

BM General Topic Guidance



  "         "           "           "


Electricity at Work

  "         "           "           "


Working Alone

  "         "           "           "


Slips and Trips

  "         "           "           "






BMF Specific Topic Guidance  


Personal Protective Equipment

  "         "           "           "


Confined Spaces

  "         "           "           "


Working at Height

  "         "           "           "


Working Near to Water

 Advice from other bodies

NHS - Leptospirosis including Weil's disease Please note that Leptospirosis is reportable disease under RIDDOR. See the information on this link for further advice.

BSS Office v1.1 Nov. 2016