Scale of fees and charges payable by BSS Examiners

Here is the list of the current fees and charges payable by BSS Examiners for BSS related materials and activities.

The nature and amount of fees and charges may be added to or amended from time to time, subject to the discretion of the BSS Ltd directors.

As and when changes or additions to fees and charges occur, this page will be updated.

Item Description Unit cost VAT Total
Examiner registration full year First registration from when accepted until the 31 March in the next calendar year £250 £50 £300.00
Late registration administration charge Applies to late registering examiners who apply after the deadline without prior agreement £41.67 £8.33 £50.00
BSS Certification from 1 April 2025 Applies when BSSER with 'Yes' or 'Yes but...' examination results are recorded £76 £15.20 £91.20
Post & Packing: parcel mailed Parcel or packet up to 2kg weight recorded priority £26 £5.20 £31.20
Post & Packing: Courier Parcel or packet up to 10kg weight £20 £4 £24.00

Compulsory undertaking of training courses are required from time to time.  These can online, attending a facility or both. The subject matter can vary, such as LPG updates, electrical awareness, IT training, etc.

Fees for training are pegged as low as we can structure them and are based on what they cost to provide. BSS training courses fees are subject to VAT at whatever the current rates are for training as stipulated by the Government.

Note that the BSS Conditions of Registration require that Examiners must pay the fees and charges for registration, Certifications and any other BSS fees and charges, within thirty (30) days of invitation or demand and that Examiners must not conduct BSS Examinations or issue certifications unless all overdue fees and charges outstanding to the BSS have been paid in full.

Payment of invoices is subject to terms and conditions of being a Canal & River Trust financial account holder. These may lead to increased charges.

For example late payments may attract higher interest rate charges.

Where no higher rate of interest is specific in any contract between Canal & River Trust and you, the Trust may charge interest at a rate of 8% above the Bank of England base rate on overdue amounts.

Version V4 March 2025