Examiner Newsletters 2013
Newsletters 2013
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EXAMINER NEWS 13-005 26 Nov 2013
This edition provides updates on how Salesforce version V5 (SF-V5) is bedding in, plus an update about a Hirer Safety Review that will likely affect BSS requirements for hire boats. We also provide a brief update on what we found from the latest batch of around 40 BSS Examiner Field Assessments and we signpost electrical training for those examiners yet to attend the electrical knowledge and understanding course.
EXAMINER NEWS 13-004 2013
Has the information critical to your future as a registered examiner and it heralds the introduction of V5 from 1 April; and any examiners yet to practice in the Salesforce ‘sandbox’; or yet to apply to re-register; or yet to renew their Michael Hall Associates ‘block’ insurance cover – are reminded that there is only one week to go
EXAMINER NEWS 13-003 2013
Check your private address details as your post is sent there and follow our guidance on how you complete the fields. Your invitation to renew your registration for 2013-14 will be seoon. And our link to the V5 ‘sandbox’ to allow you to practice before 1 April 2013 and how you get credit on your account for any BSS Certificates you are holding from 1 April.
EXAMINER NEWS 13-002 2013
This concentrates on examiner re-registration. Updates on the developments on the reporting and recording of examinations on Salesforce (IT2) and associated amended guidance supporting the BSS Examiner Conditions of Registration.
EXAMINER NEWS 13-001, 2013
Salesforce will be down on Friday nights for four weeks: Electronic invoicing will start soon, from March invoices will be sent to you as a PDF attachment to an email and will no longer be sent by post. We’ve added some useful information supporting the recent ECP changes on the BSS Examiner website; Where’s my sticky label for inserting into the ECPs?