Examiner Newsletters 2012
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EXAMINER NEWS 12-006 22 Dec 2012
The latest edition of BSS Examiner News reminds you of the core points from the seminars introducing the ECP Changes. Keep giving out blue copies of Certificates until the changeover.
EXAMINER NEWS 12-005 7 Oct 2012
The changes to the 2005 BSS Examination Checking Procedures (ECPs) for privately owned and privately managed boats were signed-off. Bookings for seminar road-show for new ECPs and salesforce V5 are opened. E-Learning course about to start. Carbon Monoxide on Boats leaflet is proving popular. |
EXAMINER NEWS 12-004 31 July 2012
The Watford office is about to close. The last opportunity the BSS Office has for sending out post before it moves to Milton Keynes is the afternoon of Wednesday 1st August. The next orders are likely to be sent on Wednesday 8th August. The only lanline is 0333 202 1000
EXAMINER NEWS 12-003 13 July 2012
The latest edition of BSS Examiner News we have updates on the ECP Review, planned developments on the reporting and recording of examinations on Salesforce, instructions on examining boats subject of the RCD, an PI/PL audit result and the BSS move to charity status
EXAMINER NEWS 12-002, 14 May 2012
Introducing the ECP review, Salesforce V5 update, Support site update, competencies upgrades, reporting faults to customers/BSS, Continue to handover certificates and blue copies, ID Card delay
EXAMINER NEWS 12-001, 16 Feb 2012
Examiner re-registration and prepares you to take control to ensure a smooth process. Updates on the ECP Review, planned developments on the reporting and recording of examinations on Salesforce and the likelihood of LPG re-assessments.
