What you should know if you find a HHO generator.

There is a current potential risk from oxyhydrogen (HHO), generators to examiners as well as people using or working on the waterways.  In this regard, examiners are not to issue a BSS Certificate should one be found during a BSS examination, unless the installation is supported by relevant standards.

The action to take if you find one connected

In view of the risks outlined below, as a minimum such devices can only be deemed acceptable if installed in accordance with an accepted manufacturing or installation standard.

BSS Examiner actions - If an examiner finds a HHO generator installed in a boat being examined then he/she should seek to ensure the device is not operated during the examination and inform the boat owner that the installation must be supported by standards relevant to boat installations in order to meet BSS General Requirement 1*.

In the event the owner claims the installation is supported by relevant standards the details must be reported to the BSS Office for verification.  If necessary the owner should be referred to the BSS Office for clarification of the BSS policy concerning HHO generators.

If the installation isn't supported by relevant standards the device must be removed by the owner or his representative in order to allow the examination to be completed and BSS Certificate issued, as appropriate.

The examiner must report the finding and owner actions to the BSS Office.

Examiners must be mindful of the possibility that any aqueous solutions may include potassium hydroxide.  Contact with potassium hydroxide must be avoided**.

BSS Office actions - In the event an examiner informs the BSS Office of a HHO generator installed in a boat, support will be provided to the examiner concerned and including any direct dealings with the boat owner.  The BSS Office will determine on any standard referred to by the owner.

The discovery will be reported to the relevant navigation authority together with advice about the nature of the risk and the number of findings will be reported to BSSTC and BSSAC to assess any need for further action.

* BSS General Requirement 1 - All permanently installed fuel systems and fixed engines must be designed, installed and maintained in a way that minimises the risks of explosion, or of fire starting or spreading.

** In the event of contact with potassium hydroxide - Contact with eyes, immediately flush the eye with plenty of water and continue for at least ten minutes and call for immediate medical help.  Skin contact; wash off with plenty of water, remove any contaminated clothing.  If the skin reddens or appears damaged, call for medical aid.  If swallowed, drink plenty of water and call for immediate medical help. [drawn from web-based chemical safety data sheets]

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