Contact us form

Use this form to get in touch with the Boat Safety Scheme team.

You can use it below to ask about technical matters, certificatesexaminations.

It can also be used to make comments or raise queries about a BSS Examination you boat has had.

We would also be grateful for any information about incidents of boat fires, carbon monoxide poisoning or just close calls that you or your family may have had.

Pictures, documents and other files can be uploaded if you think it will help explain and illustrate your comment, query or incident report.

Please be advised that due to the ongoing high level of enquiries, there may some delays in responding to your query. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, but we are working through each email, call and contact form as quickly and efficiently as we can.

Janine - Customer Service Officer

If this is specific to a boat, please provide it's name, registration or index number, make, length, beam and year it was built. Your postal address and Post Code will be needed for BSS Certification queries.