The BSS operates to the following quality management principles ensuring that key decisions are effective and efficient by:
1) focussing on the BSS purpose in a way that balances the responsibilities and needs, and meets the expectations of the various customer groups;
2) working closely together under clear leadership (BSS Office Team led by the BSS General Manager and BSS stakeholders);
3) utilising facts, data and risk analysis to ensure key decisions are proportionate, risk-based and effective;
4) operating a process-based approach in support of key decision making;
5) employing 'management review' to help ensure sustainable and effective improvements are achieved to support the purpose;
6) ensuring BSS stakeholder activity is prioritised on the primary risks and that the outcomes provide value for money within a not-for-profit remit.
Day to day operational decisions are made by BSS Office staff under the direction of the BSS General Manager.