About BSS Examiners

BSS Examiners are independent practitioners authorised by the BSS to examine vessels for the purpose of determining compliance with prescribed BSS requirements and, where appropriate, issue BSS Certifications.

There are around 150 examiners operating in England, Scotland and Wales.

BSS Examiners authorisation to issues BSS Certifications is subject to continued annual registration with the BSS Office they may work for marine based companies such as marinas or boatyards or they may operate independently.

Annual Examiner registration is dependent upon:

  • successfully completing the initial BSS Examiner Training Course,
  • passing independent Course assessments,
  • attending any subsequent continuation/refresher assessment courses,
  • valid professional indemnity (PI) and public liability (PL) insurance at all times,
  • compliance with the BSS Examiner Conditions of Registration,
  • agreeing to be subject to periodic quality assurance assessment and monitoring visits.

For information about how to find a local examiner and how to prepare for the BSS Examination click here

If you are thinking about becoming an Examiner, there's more information about it on this link  » How to become a BSS  examiner .  Please keep in mind that it's a wholly online process, so we do not supply any paper based information sheets or application forms.